Top-Rated Personal Injury Lawyer in NYC – Fight for Your Rights

best personal injury lawyer nyc

While some incidents are purely accidental, others result from someone else’s negligence, recklessness, or wrongdoing. If you or a loved one has suffered due to such circumstances, seeking the best personal injury lawyer NYC can make all the difference in securing the compensation and justice you deserve.

Such unexpected events can result in major injuries, significant financial damages, and even cause intense emotional pain and suffering. While the situation may seem bleak, all hope is not lost as New York’s personal injury law, and all you need is the best personal injury lawyer in NYC.

At Alex Yadgarov & Associates, with over 15 years of experience handling personal injury cases, we understand the challenges you face following life-altering personal injuries, and we are fully committed to helping you navigate New York’s complex legal system to fight for justice, hold those responsible accountable, and recover the compensation you deserve.

What are the Most Common Types of Personal Injury Cases in NYC?

In NYC, personal injury lawsuits come in all shapes and sizes. Among the cases we’ve dealt over the past 15 years, the most common types of personal injury incidents include:

  • Accidentes de tráfico
  • Accidentes de autobús
  • Bike Accidents
  • Accidentes de camiones
  • Train and Subway Accidents
  • Accidentes de peatones
  • Dog Bites and Animal Attacks
  • Workplace Accidents
  • Elevator Accidents
  • Slip and Fall Accidents (Premises Liability)
  • Defective Product Accidents
  • Medical Malpractice

If any of the above incidents was the result of the other party’s negligence, speaking with the best personal injury lawyers in NYC can help you better understand your rights and the actions you need to take to pursue justice and compensation.In NYC, personal injury lawsuits come in all shapes and sizes. Among the cases we’ve dealt over the past 15 years, the most common types of personal injury incidents include:

  • Accidentes de tráfico
  • Accidentes de autobús
  • Bike Accidents
  • Accidentes de camiones
  • Train and Subway Accidents
  • Accidentes de peatones
  • Dog Bites and Animal Attacks
  • Workplace Accidents
  • Elevator Accidents
  • Slip and Fall Accidents (Premises Liability)
  • Defective Product Accidents
  • Medical Malpractice

If any of the above incidents was the result of the other party’s negligence, speaking with the best personal injury lawyers in NYC can help you better understand your rights and the actions you need to take to pursue justice and compensation.

What are the Most Common Injuries Seen in Personal Injury Cases?

Similar to how incidents that cause personal injuries can come in all shapes and sizes, the actual injuries suffered by the victims vary just as much. However, the unfortunate commonality here is that all these injuries are severe and life-threatening.

As such, some of the most common injuries recorded in personal injury lawsuits include:

  • Whiplash and Neck Injuries
  • Broken bones and complex fractures
  • Head and Brain Injuries (Traumatic Brain Injuries)
  • Lesiones medulares
  • Loss of Sensory Functions
  • Scaring and Disfigurement
  • Amputaciones
  • Quemaduras
  • Internal Injuries
  • Emotional and Psychological Trauma

How Will You Determine If Your Case Qualifies as Personal Injury?

The legal term “personal injury” can be defined as the physical, emotional, or psychological harm suffered by a person resulting from the negligence or intentional actions of another. The key factor here is “negligence”.

To determine whether the injury you have suffered can form the basis of a personal injury lawsuit, the New York City Bar has introduced three questions. These questions are:

  1. Did the person or party that caused the injury owe a duty to ensure that you did not get injured by their act/omission? (i.e., duty of care)—For example, drivers on the road owe a duty of care to pedestrians and fellow drivers.
  2. Did the person breach their duty of care when they caused the injury?
  3. Is there a connection between the act/omission of the party who breached their duties and the injuries I have suffered?

If the answer is yes, you have established the foundation for a personal injury case and thus can present the matter to court in the form of a personal injury lawsuit.

What Determines the Value of Your Personal Injury Claim?

In New York, there is no cap on the amount that can be claimed in a personal injury lawsuit. However, when presenting a value to the court, it must be reflective of the extent of the injuries suffered.

As such, the compensation in personal injury claims can take the form of economic and non-economic damages. In exceptional cases, if the conduct of the defendant is deemed so reprehensible, the court will consider imposing punitive damages with the sole idea of punishing the responsible party.

Economic damages are presented with the idea of returning the victim to their financial position prior to the personal injury and consider factors such as:

  • Current and Future Medical Expenses
  • Temporary and Permanent Disabilities
  • Loss of Wages/Income
  • Cost of Repairing or Replacing Damaged Property
  • Reduced Earning Capacity

Non-economic damages are presented by taking into account damages that do not have a set financial value. The factors considered can include:

  • Emotional Distress
  • Depression, PTSD, anxiety & other recognised psychiatric injuries
  • Pain & Suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Pérdida de calidad de vida
  • Loss of Consortium

What if I am partly responsible for my own personal injury?

New York’s comparative negligence law allows individuals to recover damages in personal injury matters even if they bear partial responsibility. However, the damages you are entitled to will be reduced in proportion to your fault.

For example, consider a car accident where a personal injury claim is filed. If it is shown that the victims themselves contributed around 30% to the accident, the damages they can claim will also be reduced by 30%.

Why Should You Retain the Best Personal Injury Lawyer in NYC?

If you’ve been injured and are thinking of filing a personal injury lawsuit against those who are responsible, having the best personal injury lawyer in NYC is a must, and here’s why:

Understanding of the Law

Unless you have had legal training, it is unlikely that you are fully aware of all the state and federal laws that apply in personal injury matters. An experienced personal injury attorney would be able to identify the legal issues and help you understand your rights and liabilities.

Explaining Settlement Options and Setting Expectations

An attorney will go through your case and afterwards advise you on the options available to you. They will also advise you on which path is likely to result in a more favourable outcome. This advice will allow you to set your expectations and decide on what you hope to achieve.

Determining the Amount of Compensation

Depending on the severity of the accident, you might be entitled to far more or less compensation than you realise. Your lawyer can look at your situation and help put a value on the pain and suffering you have endured as a result of the accident.

Filing Court Cases

Much like any other case, filing a personal injury lawsuit involves a lot of paperwork, and much like any other case, if the paperwork is not in order, the case gets rejected. Your attorney can take care of all the paperwork, answer questions on your behalf, and keep you updated on all the court proceedings.

Representation for the Best Outcome

Technically speaking, you can appear before court without any legal representation. However, the lack of proper legal training and understanding of court proceedings will put you at a distinct disadvantage. On the other hand, attorneys with their expertise and courtroom experience will present compelling arguments and use the evidence available to fight for the best possible outcome.

Call the law office of Alex Yadgarov & Associates at 866-995-9035 to schedule your free consultation in English, Spanish, or Russian.


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