Work Accident Lawyers - Get the Compensation You Deserve

work accident lawyers ny

If you are currently suffering from a workplace injury as a result of your job, you are eligible to receive workers’ compensation benefits in New York. Our dedicated work accident lawyers are well prepared to guide you through this challenging time so that you can receive the compensation you deserve.

Most of the time, a third party is involved in your accident. Although workers’ compensation is supposed to protect your rights and cover damages, this protection might not be able to cover all the costs of your injury, especially if you are dealing with severe health as well as economic concerns. A work injury attorney in New York evaluates your case and determines the best course of action.

Workers’ Compensation or Third-Party Lawsuits?

Your work accident lawyer in New York will explain two paths you can take to recover damages from work-related injuries. These are:

Workers’ Compensation

In many jurisdictions, including New York, all employers are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance. This insurance covers medical expenses, lost wages, and disability benefits. However, things are not that straightforward with workers’ compensation. Both employers and insurance companies tend to delay payments and dispute claims for their advantage. Sometimes, the settlements cannot cover your needs as well. This is where our experienced work accident lawyers step in to advocate on your behalf.

Third Party Lawsuits

A third-party lawsuit in NY lets you sue other parties such as equipment makers or property owners, if you have enough proof to indicate their negligence is a direct cause of your injury. Although workers’ compensation covers medical expenses and lost wages partially, non-economic damages like pain and suffering are not counted in. With a personal injury claim filed as a third-party lawsuit by a successful work accident lawyer, you can recover full lost wages and additional medical costs that aren’t covered by workers’ compensation.

Does Your Work-Related Injury Belong to These Categories?

Injuries that can happen at a workplace during work-related activities can encompass several incidents that aren’t limited to certain categories. These are the most common work injuries that we have come across when helping our work accident victims:

  • Slip and Falls
  • Repetitive Strain Injuries
  • Equipment Accidents
  • Exposure to Hazardous Materials

Workplace injuries are not limited to physical harm; psychological injuries such as stress or trauma from a hostile work environment are also valid claims. So, work injuries aren’t necessarily limited to more labor-oriented jobs. Ranging from factory workers and constructors to office workers and healthcare workers, all workers are eligible to claim workers’ compensation in New York. If you are an undocumented worker or a union worker, you still have the same rights as all other New York employees.

Steps to Take After a Work-Related Injury

Here’s what you need to do right away:

Seek medical attention before anything else. Even if injuries seem minor, you should be getting medical evidence from a healthcare professional.

Next, your task is to report the injury to your employer as soon as possible with all details of the incident.

This step is the most important one. Always document everything for evidence. Keep records of medical visits and communications with your employer.

The earlier you consult a work accident attorney in your jurisdiction, the better. Your lawyer can guide you through the claims process and negotiate with the insurance firm.

Contact Alex Yadgarov & Associates Today

If you have suffered a work-related injury, don't navigate the legal complexities alone. Our experienced work accident lawyers are here to fight for your rights and ensure you receive the maximum compensation possible. However, time is of the essence. Act promptly since third-party claims in New York are subject to a statute of limitations of three years from the date of injury. Contact us today for a free consultation and take the first step toward securing your future.


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No espere para comenzar su proceso de recuperación. Si usted ha sido lesionado personalmente, ya sea en un accidente de autobús, un accidente relacionado con el trabajo, u otro tipo de incidente, necesita representación legal con experiencia para ayudarle a trabajar a través de su caso. Nuestros abogados de lesiones personales en Rosedale quieren ser esa representación. Llame a Alex Yadgarov & Associates al 866-995-9035 o rellene el siguiente formulario para su consulta gratuita en inglés, español o ruso. Vendremos a usted a su conveniencia.


1 Cross Island Plaza, #203 Rosedale, NY 11422



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