

Attorney Alex Yadgarov Recognized by Lawyers of Distinction in 2020

Attorney Alex Yadgarov Recognized by Lawyers of Distinction in 2020

We are pleased to announce that Alex Yadgarov, our founding attorney here at Alex Yadgarov & Associates, has been recognized by Lawyers of Distinction for the year 2020!

As a tireless, empathetic, and professional personal injury attorney, Alex has recovered millions on behalf of his clients, helping them to recover from their injuries and receive closure. He believes that preparation is key and has become well-known statewide for his meticulous approach to the preparation of his cases. Alex has truly dedicated himself to his firm as well as the pursuit of justice for accident victims who have suffered immeasurable loss, and we are happy that his dedication has been recognized by an organization as trusted and renowned as the Lawyers of Distinction.

How Does an Attorney Qualify for the Lawyers of Distinction?

To be recognized by the Lawyers of Distinction, an attorney must undergo the company’s patented selection process.

First, a practicing U.S. attorney must be nominated by a third-party for consideration, either by a peer or the selection committee. Next, the committee conducts independent research on the nominee.

The candidate is evaluated on the following 12 independent criteria:

  • Case results
  • Educational background
  • Avvo reviews
  • Google reviews
  • Honors and awards
  • Lectures, writings, and publications
  • Legal experience
  • Pro bono and community service
  • Professional activities
  • Representative clients
  • Special certifications
  • Verdicts and settlements

The nominee is then subjected to a background check and an ethics review. If they pass and achieve a passing score on the aforementioned criteria, they are eligible for acceptance onto the annual Lawyers of Distinction List. You can learn more about the selection process here.

To learn more about Alex Yadgarov and how his team of New York personal injury lawyers can help you if you’ve been in an accident, you can write to us online or give us a call at 866-995-9035.


"Mi equipo de abogados líderes en lesiones personales se toma nuestros casos como algo personal. Pondremos en práctica nuestra experiencia, habilidad y determinación hasta que obtenga la indemnización que se merece."

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