¿Cuánto tarda un abogado de Nueva York especializado en lesiones personales en resolver un caso?
Personal injuries include a range of injuries that can either happen to a person’s body, emotions, or reputation. Therefore, personal injury claims can be brought under different grounds including negligence, strict liability, and intentional wrongs. Personal injury laws vary across jurisdictions. With the assistance of a new york personal injury attorney, the injured party can claim compensation for damages. The timeline for resolving a personal injury case in New York varies. While some cases may be settled within a few months, others can take years to reach a resolution.
Several factors contribute to how long it takes to resolve a personal injury case. One of the main factors is the severity of the injury. If the injury is more serious and requires long term medical treatment, it can take longer to assess the extent of damages. In addition, if multiple parties are involved, the case can become quite complex, requiring more time for investigation and negotiation.
Another critical factor that determines how long it takes to resolve a personal injury claim is the cooperation of insurance companies. Some insurers may delay negotiations or dispute claims in order to minimize payout. This delays your case.
In addition, the fact that the legal system in New York is congested can cause delays with trial dates on court schedules. That is, if your New York personal injury attorney proceeds to litigation.
Personal injury cases that are resolved in the pre-litigation stage are usually settled faster. This is when liability is clear and parties are cooperative. In such cases, your New York personal injury lawyer can settle the case within 4 to 12 months.
However, if a personal injury lawsuit is filed, this timeline extends since the case has to be resolved at the post-litigation stage. Post-litigation cases often take 18 months or even several years to resolve. This is due to the fact that discovery, depositions, and potential trial dates add time to the process.
New York has a statute of limitations for personal injury cases. This is typically three years from the date of the injury. So, your case has to be filed within this time frame to pursue compensation. An experienced New York personal injury attorney knows how to avoid any unnecessary delays and files your case on time.
A personal injury lawyer who has a solid profile working on New York cases can negotiate effectively with insurance companies as well. In addition to handling all legal issues that come up, your New York personal injury attorney can also provide realistic estimates for how long your case may take.
If you are a personal injury victim looking for support to move forward, schedule a free initial consultation with our trusted team of New York personal injury attorneys at Alex Yadgarov & Associates. We are here to help you secure the compensation you deserve.
"Mi equipo de abogados líderes en lesiones personales se toma nuestros casos como algo personal. Pondremos en práctica nuestra experiencia, habilidad y determinación hasta que obtenga la indemnización que se merece."
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