Truck Accident Lawyer in New York

Representing Truck Accident Victims Throughout New York City and the counties of Nassau, Suffolk, and Westchester.

If you found yourself in a serious and life-changing truck accident in New York City and feel overwhelmed because of the stress, worry, and confusion - our New York personal injury attorneys are here to help. Our talented truck accident lawyers in New York will act as advocates for you. We offer a free case evaluation without fees unless we win for you! Contact us today for more information or schedule an appointment with one of our experienced personal injury lawyers at the law office of Alex Yadgarov & Associates!

Why Truck Accident Cases are Complex

As you can expect truck accidents can be far more complicated than car accidents due to the following, which is why you need an experienced truck accident lawyer in New York by your side:

  • Truck Data Recorders -  Data recorders may be collected by an investigator. These devices have different features than those found in consumer vehicles that are often able to capture the speed, acceleration and service hours of the vehicle during a crash. They also include unusual events such as hard braking or unexpected stops which can help determine what happened during an investigation.
  • Complex Trucking Laws and Regulations - Commercial truck drivers must follow strict federal and state requirements to ensure safety on the roads. The trucks undergo mandatory rest periods, cargo checks, routine maintenance, and regular inspections in order to be prepared for operation.
  • Multiple Liable Parties - Different parties may be held to blame for the crash in a truck accident. The biggest question to be answered is who caused it. If you are in an accident with a commercial vehicle, whose fault was it? It's important to understand exactly what happened and who might have been at fault so you can make decisions about your claim.
  • Multiple Insurance Companies - In a truck-related accident, there may be several different insurance companies involved in your claim. These are all separate from one another, and each has its own specific policy for covering damages to property or human life. All of them fight to minimize what they must pay.
  • Hazardous Cargo - Cargo loads on some trucks can be dangerous, as they could severely injure you. As part of a truck accident claim, it is imperative to determine what the cargo was and whether any special laws and regulations apply to the type of cargo being transported to determine how such a crash may have harmed you.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents in New York

Truck accidents can be caused by one of two reasons; driver negligence or trucking company negligence. These types of accidents can be quite serious and often fatal due to the sheer size of the vehicle, hence both drivers and owner companies are required to follow all rules and regulations set forth in order to minimize risks for other vehicles and pedestrians.

Some common causes of truck accidents in New York include:

  • Distracted driving: When the driver’s attention is taken off the road and operating the vehicle, such as texting while driving, answering a phone call etc.
  • Drunk driving: When drivers operate the vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Fatigued driving: Truck drivers usually drive very long distances, and if they have been working continuously for over 24 hours without a break, they could become tired and sleepy.
  • Not following road rules: Not adhering to the road rules can cause fatal accidents. Speeding, illegal lane changes etc should be avoided.
  • Low maintenance: When trucks are not maintained properly there is a higher chance that something could go wrong while driving.
  • Negligent hiring practices: When trucking companies do not follow the proper standard when hiring drivers, and choose inexperienced or unqualified operators.
  • Loading beyond capacity: Loading a truck beyond its capacity can cause the driver to lose control of the vehicle.
  • Breaking the rules: Pressuring their drivers to break the rules or work overtime in order to increase productivity.

Truck accidents may also occur due to the negligence of third parties, such as defective parts by a manufacturer, unsafe road conditions,  or even reckless motor vehicle drivers or riders.

Who Can be Held Liable for My Truck Accident?

There can be many causes of a truck accident, and it can be very difficult to identify the liable parties, since there could be more than one. This is why having an experienced truck accident lawyer in New York by your side is important. Liable parties in a truck accident could include:

  • The truck driver.
  • Trucking company.
  • Other motorists or riders.
  • Pedestrians.
  • Manufacturers.
  • Government entities.
  • Transit companies.

The attorneys at our law firm will investigate the accident and make sure that the right people are held liable for it, so that you can claim the maximum possible compensation for the injuries and losses you have endured.

Catastrophic and Serious Injuries Caused by a Truck Accident

A collision with a truck can include catastrophic injuries such as:

  • Whiplash
  • Head injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Broken bones and/or loss of limbs
  • Chest injuries and/or damage to the rib cage

The Things You Need to Know About New York Trucking Laws

New York trucking laws follow the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. Those trucking laws are:

  • Truck drivers must meet strict criteria before operating a truck
  • Employers of truck drivers need to ensure their drivers safely operate their big rigs.
  • Trucks are required to be routinely service

The trucking party that does not abide by the rules and regulations of New York's trucking laws may be liable if their truck is involved in an accident, and our truck accident lawyers in New York will be able to navigate through the complex legal process to help you get your claim.

How Can a Truck Accident Lawyer in New York Help You?

Our truck accident attorneys have a number of years’ experience in handling such cases, and have been successful in getting the maximum possible compensation for our clients. When you have suffered a harrowing experience like this, the last thing you need is to fight the liable parties on your own. When you have Alex Yadgarov & Associates on your side, you won’t need to fight at all! We will fight your battle for compensation for you, leaving you free to heal and recuperate from your injuries.

Our lawyers will:

  • Carry out an independent investigation into the accident.
  • Identify liable parties and the cause of the accident together with experts.
  • Carry out a valuation of your damages in order to get an accurate picture of the compensation value.
  • Negotiate with the insurance company.
  • Ensure that fault is not transferred to you by the liable parties.
  • Help gather evidence, such as blackbox recording etc and speak to witnesses of the accident.
  • File a truck accident case and fight for your rights if the settlement offered is unsatisfactory.
  • File a wrongful death claim if a death occured due to the accident.

When it comes to a case involving trucks and heavy vehicles, trucking companies are well known for trying to pin the blame on the victim in order to get out of paying compensation, which is why you need an experienced attorney by your side, fighting for your rights.

What Damages Can Be Claimed in a Truck Accident?

A truck accident can be devastating, and have both short term and long term consequences for the victim. It could result in serious injuries such as spinal cord or traumatic brain injuries, loss of limbs or in extreme cases, even death. If the accident was caused due to negligence, our attorneys will fight to claim compensation for all possible damages in these injury cases, including, but not limited to:

  • Medical bills (both current and future).
  • Permanent disability.
  • Disfigurements or scarring.
  • Mental distress.
  • Pain and suffering.
  • Physical and psychological therapy.
  • Property damage.
  • Loss of wages/income.
  • Reductions in earning capacity caused by serious injuries.
  • Loss of quality of life.
  • Loss of consortium.

In some cases, punitive damages may also be awarded to victims by the court, in order to prevent similar accidents from occuring in the future.

If you were injured in a truck accident, call Alex Yadgarov & Associates today for your free consultation at (866)-995-9035. We speak English, Georgian, Hebrew, Russian, and Spanish to suit your individual needs. We service New York City, and the counties of Nassau, Suffolk, and Westchester!

Truck Accident Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: How long do I have to file a claim following a devastating truck accident?

    A: Truck accidents fall under personal injury law, and hence the statute of limitations pertaining to New York state, is 3 years from the date of the accident. However, depending on the specifics of your case, this could change drastically. For example, if the liable party is a government entity, then you have only 90 days in which to file a claim. This is why it is important that you contact an experienced truck accident lawyer in New York soon after suffering injuries in an accident of this nature.

  • Q: Can truck accidents be fatal?

    A: Yes, truck accidents can be fatal due to the sheer size of the vehicle in question. If a death has resulted from a truck accident, then family members of the deceased party should contact a truck accident lawyer in New York immediately, and file a wrongful death claim. Your attorney will be able to recover compensation for the damages, losses and suffering you have endured in such a situation.

  • Q: Why is a site inspection necessary following a truck accident and what activities are carried out?

    A: An inspection of the site following a truck accident is an important part of the investigation to determine the cause. This will be carried out by both the police, as well as an accident investigator who is hired by your truck accident lawyer in New York. During the inspection the following activities will take place:

    • Taking note of the exact location of the accident, the time, weather and other conditions etc.
    • Witness interviews.
    • Noting down the point of impact.
    • Noting down the final resting place of all vehicles involved.
    • Taking the required measurements.
    • Noting down skid marks, scrub marks and gouge marks.
    • Noting down any visible signs of negligence or other criminal activity.
  • Q: What kind of evidence is required in a truck accident case?

    A: Evidence is vital in truck accident cases in order to prove cause and liability. As such, the following evidence will be sought and gathered by your attorney.

    • Site inspection report.
    • Accident report.
    • Blackbox recordings.
    • Photographic or video evidence of the accident.
    • Witness testimony.
    • Vehicle examination report.
    • Drug and alcohol screening.
    • Accident reconstruction by experts.
    • Trucking company logs pertaining to the driver and vehicle.

We Put You First

Because of the thought and dedication our lawyers put into each of our cases, we leave our clients feeling cared for – so much so, that we often receive return clients, as well as new clients who we’ve been referred to by former clients.

You don’t have to suffer from your injuries alone. Call Alex Yadgarov & Associates at (866)-995-9035 to receive assistance from our New York car accident lawyers.

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    The best law firm ever!!!!!

    “I would like to thank Alex Yadgarov lawyers for doing a great job with my case. Alex and his team took very good care of me, They made all easier throughout my case and they were always their for me. ...”

    Bolanle J
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